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Baby D Productions

About Us

Our film work spans many genres including drama, psychological thrillers and comedies.


Dimitri Raft

Founder and CEO

Dimitri is a director, scriptwriter and producer. He has been developing psychologically intriguing storylines for a number of years and completed filming ‘Gimp and the Hitman’, his directorial debut, in September 2022.


In 2021 Dimitri co-produced The Big Father which has been nominated for and won several international film awards during 2023.


In addition to creating his own productions, Dimitri is available for hire as a Director and Film Development Consultant.  


Please get in touch if you would like to work with Dimitri and Baby D Productions.


Our Team

Our collective of highly experienced individuals gives us the leading edge in our creative and professional productions.

Get in Touch

Let us know if you want to find out more, collaborate or invest in our productions. 

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