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New Trailer: Gimp And The Hitman

Updated: Jun 4

Penelope and Anthony get close.
Penelope and Anthony get close.

Today we launch the trailer for Gimp And The Hitman, our new psychological comedy (PsyCom) feature film, all about a couple whose sexless marriage gets thrown into disarray by a couple of unscrupulous con artists.

Anthony and Penelope have a comfortable life, but she needs intimacy and connection whilst he’s oblivious and absorbed by his work as a professor of philosophy. At her wits end, Penelope is persuaded by her friend Natasha to ‘divorce well’ and get rid of her husband once and for all.  

Little does she know that The Cowboy, who Natasha introduces her to, is a failed hitman and is on the lookout for an easy target to seduce and relieve of her money. While he uses all his tricks to get Penelope into bed, she is sexually re-awakened and angry about what she’s been missing out on for years.  Her liaison with The Cowboy leads her to agree to putting a hit on her husband so that she can be free of him.   However, Penelope is unaware that both The Cowboy and Natasha are manipulating her, with the promise of getting rid of Anthony, so that they can steal his Bitcoin fortune. 

Gimp Man, Mistress Soula and The Cowboy
Gimp Man, Mistress Soula and The Cowboy

Anthony is also being manipulated by the con artists who are determined to humiliate him.  He’s deceived into going to Gimp Trainers Master Petros and Mistress Soula to submit to his gimp nature, but instead turns the tables and actually gets in touch with his masculinity.  He graduates with new skills, a new outfit and a burning desire to get his wife back as the Gimp Man.

It's a riotous, ridiculous slapstick comedy where the underdog becomes the hero, complete with a string of followers of the Ninja Gimp philosophy.


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